Karriere / Career
Carriera / Carrière
Carrière / Carieră

Your career at HALEX


We are looking for committed employees with a wide range of qualifications to expand our technology and innovation leadership in the manufacture of extrusion tools. We offer you responsible tasks and attractive development and career opportunities.

Have we piqued your curiosity? Then we look forward to receiving your application!

Current vacancies

HALEX - Aldenhoven GmbH I 52457 Aldenhoven I Toolmaker (M/F/D)

HALEX - Aldenhoven GmbH I 52457 Aldenhoven I Technischer Zeichner / NC-Programmierer (M/F/D)

HALEX - Aldenhoven GmbH l 52457 Aldenhoven I Financial Accountant (M/F/D)

HALEX - Gussago S.P.A. l 25064 Gussago BS Italy I Production Staff

HALEX - Weissenburg GmbH l 91781 Weissenburg I Designer (M/F/D) I Programmer (M/F/D)

Initiative applications

If there is currently no suitable offer for you, you are always welcome to send us your speculative application!
Please send it to info@halex.de.

Always send us a full and informative application with all relevant documents.

If you are applying by email, please attach only one PDF file. To convert documents to PDF in Windows, you need an additional programme:

In addition to Adobe Acrobat Reader, there are various free tools available, e.g.: FreePDF or PDFCreator.

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